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April 14, 2013


Here you go ladies as promised! Keep in mind, you are purchasing used items, a lot of them hardly used. If you need more pictures, let me know of any of the bags. I took these really fast so they may not be clear. Thanks for contributing to my addiction cause I'm buying more. Lol email me the purse name of the one you want Please also check out my site! Thanks!
Jessica Simpson bag $10 SOLD
Kathy Zeeland $10 SOLD
Flower Power messenger bag $10 SOLD
Studs $5
School kid $5 SOLD
Lv (designer inspired) $15 SOLD
Stripes (beach tote) $5 SOLD
Greeny $10
Perfect $10
Night Out $5 SOLD
Vintage $5 SOLD
Coachella $5
Hardware $5
Flower Power $5
Victoria $10 HOLD
Princess $5 SOLD
Leopard messenger $10 SOLD
Courtney $15 SOLD
Leopard tote $5
Sunny $10
Michelle $10
Francesca $10 SOLD
Stacy $10
Lauren $7 SOLD
Fleetwood $10 SOLD
Rebecca $10 SOLD
Rhonda $7 SOLD
Alice $10 SOLD
Maryann $10 SOLD
Dickies $10
Chole $3 (blue markings on the back)
Metal $10
Urban $10
Sparkly $10 SOLD
Lexie $5 SOLD
Anna $10 SOLD
Lisa $10 SOLD
Neon $10 (purse/tablet case) SOLD
Starry $10 SOLD
Pocahontas $12 (has fringe on the whole bag) SOLD
Audrey $10
Taza $10

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